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Web2 vs Web3: What's the Difference Between Them?

From its beginnings as Web1, dominated by static web pages, the digital sphere has undergone significant changes that have redefined how we interact with the online world. Web1 laid the groundwork by serving as a platform for the distribution of information with minimal interaction.

However, with the advancement of technology, the story of the Internet has moved into the next chapter, Web2, ushering in an era of dynamic content and user contributions. Today, this story continues with the emergence of Web3, a new iteration designed to decentralize control and ownership of online data and applications. We will focus only on Web2 and Web3, looking at the differences that set them apart.

What is Web2

Web2, also called the Social Web, marked a significant shift from the static pages of Web1 to a more dynamic, interactive digital experience. It features a higher level of user interaction and content sharing among them. With the emergence of Web2, social media platforms, blogs, wikis, and other collaborative online spaces, users got the opportunity to easily create, share, and modify content.

One of the central principles of Web2 is the concept of centralization. In this structure, data and control are stored on centralized servers owned by individuals or corporations. This model has contributed to the emergence of tech giants such as Google, Facebook, and Amazon, whose platforms have become an integral part of the Internet. They provide the infrastructure and services that enable user interaction and have significant control over data and user experience.

What is Web3

Web3 is often announced as the new era of the Internet, embodying the shift from centralized to decentralized digital architecture. Unlike its predecessor, Web3 advocates for a decentralized web, where control and ownership of data and applications are distributed across the network, rather than being held by centralized entities.

At the heart of Web3 is blockchain technology, a fundamental change that facilitates peer-to-peer transactions and data ownership.

Web2 vs Web3

Centralization vs Decentralization

In Web2 popular platforms and services are controlled by big organizations like Amazon, Google, or Facebook. This centralization has facilitated ease of use, seamless user experiences, and rapid innovation. However, it also brings challenges such as data monopolies, privacy issues, and a higher susceptibility to censorship.

Conversely, Web3 is built on blockchain technology. Its characteristic feature is decentralization, which distributes control and ownership across a network of nodes, diminishing the risks associated with centralization. However, the decentralized nature of Web3 is also associated with challenges such as scalability.

Data Ownership

In Web2, users' data is controlled and monetized by platform providers. This has led to a significant erosion of user privacy and control over personal data, as platform providers leverage user information for targeted advertising and other revenue-generating purposes.

Web3, on the other hand, aims to return data ownership to individuals, allowing them to control who accesses their data and how it's used. This shift has the potential to foster a more privacy-centric web, where users can monetize their own data should they choose to.

Economic Models

The economic model of Web2 largely relies on advertising and data monetization. Platforms provide free services to users, but in return, collect and monetize their data to generate revenue.

Web3 facilitates microtransactions and new monetization strategies through crypto tokens, which can potentially create a more equitable digital economy where users and creators are rewarded for their contributions.

Application Structure

Web2 applications are hosted on centralized servers where developers have full control over the application and its data, which has led to the development of user-friendly and highly interactive platforms.

In contrast, Web3 facilitates the development of decentralized applications (DApps) that operate on blockchain. This structure encourages open-source and permissionless innovation, leading to a more open and inclusive digital ecosystem.


Web2 centralization presents challenges surrounding data ownership, privacy, and the potential for monopolistic control and censorship.

Web3, while addressing many of these challenges, faces its own set of hurdles including scalability, user experience, and a current lack of widespread understanding and adoption, but recently, people have become increasingly interested in cryptocurrencies, which makes this problem not so significant.


Web2 and its centralized architecture set the stage for interactive and dynamic digital experiences, but it also created significant challenges related to data ownership and privacy.

The transition from Web2 to Web3 is not only a technological shift but also an ideological one. It challenges the existing paradigms of control, data ownership, and monetization, promising a potential new era of a more transparent, fair, and user-controlled digital sphere.